Department President’s Message – October
Hello to all!
National Convention was an amazing experience. The patriotism and enthusiasm in one room with so many people was beautiful!
What a wonderful time at Fall Boards. Thank you so much for all who attended. I hope you enjoyed yourself and learned a few things. I know I did. My sincere appreciation to my great team of officers and my amazing Membership Chairman, Lynda and our membership team, Laura, Kim and the District Vices. You all rocked it! A special thanks to Christy and Jill for serving as my Sgt at arms and to Kim for standing in as our chaplain. A great big thanks to my chauffeur, Debbie Fox and Irene Weber for her loving support. Love you gals!
The “Betty Rae” Purse auction was so much fun and a huge success thanks to you and our auctioneer team of Beth, Rosemary and the vices. Great job, ladies! We could feel Betty in the room with us. Remember, membership is the job of all members. Let’s help our department reach goal this year. Lynda and I do not want to wear a Wisconsin t shirt at the National Convention. lol
Please start now with dedication to retaining the current members and gaining those new members. I would love it if everyone could sign up one new member. Some would join if they were only asked. Sign all those daughters and granddaughters. They make thoughtful Christmas gifts a as well as growing your unit’s membership. We all probably hear “I don’t want to join because I don’t want to attend meetings.” Tell them that just paying their dues is supporting the resolutions addressed in Congress that help our Veterans. We are ALA TEAM WV! We can do this!
Keep our Military and Veterans in the for front and “BE THE ONE” to help, if needed.
If you want to come to my homecoming (Sunday, Oct. 22 12:30), just text or email me and I will add you to the list.
Units, please sell those Ways & Means tickets. If you didn’t get any, contact Susan, our Department Secretary. We need to sell these. They, too, make wonderful Christmas gifts.
Contact me if I can help you.
6th District - See you Saturday, September 23
1st District - See you Saturday, October 7
Hugs to all!
Department President
Debbie Michael